Serial Mom with John Waters

Serial Mom (35mm) with John Waters LIVE - March 31st 9:15PM

Director: John Waters

          Beverly Sutphin (Kathleen Turner) is driven to achieve domestic perfection, actively participating in PTA, baking flawless meatloaf for boy crazy daughter Misty (Ricki Lake) and horror movie fiend son Chip (Matthew Lillard), whom she defends Mama Bear style at any turn.  No one in the neighborhood would suspect that while her amiable dentist husband (Sam Waterson) is at work and the kids in school Beverly is making vulgar and harassing phone calls to neighbor Dottie Hinkel (John Waters’ regular Mink Stole) as retribution for a parking lot faux pas.  Protective feelings toward her brood combine with that penchant for vengeance in an explosive way when a math teacher, a cheating boyfriend, and a cheapskate patient each criticize or offend Beverly’s loved ones.  Sending up both the 90’s obsession with True Crime and the idyllic suburbia that hearkens to the surroundings of TV families of Ozzie and Beaver, Serial Mom is John Waters’ return to his twisted roots – and this time with a budget. For Sleeping Giant, Waters himself will join us for a live commentary that will encompass his memories from production and touch on what Serial Mom says to audiences twenty three years after its original release.

We have three tickets options:
$35.00 plus tax
$50.00 plus tax (includes either a copy of Role Models or Carsick, your choice!) 
$20.00 plus tax (Balcony, standing room only)

For tickets click here

John Waters was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1946. For those of you who don't know, Maryland can be a pretty strange place to grow up. Luckily for John, 1960's Baltimore had a few saving graces. Here he would meet the men and women willing to work in front of and behind the camera on his self-written, self-produced and independently financed movies.
Waters went from a local boy making cheap, underground movies to a local man making counter-culture Hollywood comedies. But don't be fooled by the veneer - all of his films were shot on location in Baltimore and with very modest budgets. The star power of his post-Hairspray films demonstrate his influence and clout.
Waters writes all his own films, and elements of filth and debauchery exist in all his screenplays. Also present in many of his films is the duality of sincerity and squashed innocence of late 50's and early 60's Americana: sweet mothers who make breakfast for a family of four versus cheap girls who have babies in the backs of cars.
John is also an accomplished writer, photographer and visual artist. He has published multiple volumes of his journalistic exploits, screenplay collections, and artwork.
Of course, he is most well known for breaking boundaries of acceptable filmmaking. Drugs, queers, abortion, religion - nothing is sacred in his field of vision. When asked about it, he says "secretly I think that all my films are politically correct, though they appear not to be. That's because they're made with a sense of joy." And perhaps that is why so many people from all around the world take such joy in his movies.-(Dreamland)