Dir: Damon Packard
137 min

REFLECTIONS OF EVIL is like seeing an astral projection of someone’s mental breakdown through the prism of low-budget horror aesthetics. Produced and self-distributed by filmmaker Damon Packard thanks to an unexpected inheritance, this is a highly personal psychedelic collage that utilizes 16mm film, video, and found footage to tell the story of a wandering creature named Bobby (Packard) as he searches for his missing sister . . . who may have fallen in with a supernatural drug cult. Packard’s schizoid style is built on visual manipulations, breakneck editing, renegade plagiarism, mismatched audio effects, and the juxtaposition of tones. This is true genre anarchy: a rage-filled, 137-minute outsider manifesto that toes the line between artsy triumph and genre pastiche. Imagine a stream-of-consciousness collaboration between Sam Raimi and Charles Manson and you’re halfway there. After being caught while filming REFLECTIONS OF EVIL inside Universal Studios, Packard was banned for life from the theme park. He made the right choice.-AGFA