
"Riffing," or talking back to a movie, has become a popular form of entertainment but not every film is ideal for this pursuit. One of the members of the team that perhaps originated sharing these snarky comments with a laughing audience, Frank Conniff of Mystery Science Theatre 3000, described the key ingredient as "A movie that is bad yet is also somehow watchable and has a story that can be followed." With this in mind, the answer to the question, "What modern day movie would you like to roast?" in local blogger/crafty maven/gal about town Alexandria Preston's 2018 interview with The Mads was a revelation: LA LA LAND. 'For real?' we said. Frank and castmate Trace Beaulieu usually stick with B movie ephemera mined from the public domain, so this event is a unique opportunity to fulfill the fantasies of both Sleeping Giant's and MST3K's stars, providing live commentary during what we believe will go down as one of the most unintentionally silly Academy Award winning films in moviegoing history.

The Mads join us March 30th at 6:30pm to bust on Damien Chazelle's La La Land.