
Amid the technically impeccable films with compelling narratives that fill this program, ZAAT reigns proudly as among the absolutely most terrible movies ever made, at least according four decades of bemused critics and audiences with a taste for camp. According to the Jacksonville residents who produced the film, including director Don Barton, it was a heck of a lot of fun to shoot, though, in locations like Marineland, Silver Springs and throughout Northeast Florida on “sets and locations (that) have little dressing,” populated by actors, “clearly on holiday from local theater,” (AV Club). The best part of ZAAT might be the long -- and of all the footage in the movie the most technically advanced -- underwater shots which provide a perfect jumping off point for the fine art of Riffing: talking through the idiotic but elaborate and visionary plan of a derided-by-his-colleagues mad scientist (Today: self-transformation. Tomorrow: Destroy Florida) in a hilariously clunky walking catfish costume as it unfolds onscreen. Masters of the art, The Mads -- Frank Conniff and Trace Beaulieu, OG MST3K members, had already left the show when The Blood Waters of Dr. Z (one of the four names under which ZAAT was released) was spoofed on air in 1999 giving it a renaissance among lousy movie aficionados nationwide, and have surely been waiting all these years to share their take on this film that simultaneously occupies a place in Jacksonville film-making and B-Movie history.